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Hopkinton COVID-19 update for July 3: Phase 3 of reopening set to begin Monday

by | Jul 3, 2020 | News, Z-Lead Image Front Page

Editor’s note: This is the town of Hopkinton’s COVID-19 update for July 3.

COVID-19 Updates and Precautions
July 3 update

As of July 2, Hopkinton’s Health Depa​rtment is reporting 128 total ​confirmed COVID-19 cases; seven of those cases are active, with 108 recoveries and 13 deaths. You can see historical tracking and updates on ​Hopkinton’s Community Impact Dashboard.

This document contains a significant number of ​NEW UPDATE​ messages.

July 4th Holiday — ​NEW UPDATE
Town Hall and Municipal Offices are closed on Friday, July 3, in observance of Independence Day. ​The Hopkinton Recycling Center will be closed on Saturday, July 4. The library book drop will be closed and returns will NOT be accepted from 4:30 p.m. on Thursday, July 2, until 9:30 a.m. on Monday, July 6.

Health officials are reminding residents that festivities and large gatherings including those over the July 4th weekend encourage crowds and jeopardize public health. Under the ​governor’s revised gatherings order​, groups of 10 or more individuals in close proximity in any confined indoor or enclosed outdoor space remain prohibited. This limitation specifically applies to gathering such as fairs or festivals. Private outdoor gatherings in backyards or parks are allowed as long as individuals residing in different households can remain 6 feet apart.

The Hopkinton Police and Fire Departments would like to remind residents that fireworks are dangerous and they are illegal in Massachusetts for anyone without a professional license. Out of respect for your neighbors, and out of concern for safety for yourself, please do not light fireworks. ​Click here to learn more about the dangers of fireworks​.

Baker-Polito Administration Initiates Transition to Third Phase of Four-Phase Approach — ​NEW UPDATE
Consistent with public health data and trends, Phase 3 of Reopening Massachusetts is set to begin on July 6. The following businesses will be eligible to reopen in Step 1 of Phase 3, subject to industry-specific rules concerning capacity and operations: movie theaters and outdoor performance venues; museums, cultural and historical sites; fitness centers and health clubs; certain indoor recreational activities with low potential for contact; professional sports teams, under the authority of league-wide rules, may hold games without spectators. Full guidance and list of businesses eligible to reopen in Step 1 of Phase 3 can be found at ​mass.gov/reopening​. Businesses and sectors set to begin opening in Phase 3 are subject to compliance with all mandatory safety standards. ​Click here​ to read the full Phase 3 press release.

Fire Department Inspections — ​NEW UPDATE
Beginning Tuesday, July 7, the Hopkinton Fire Department shall resume scheduling and conducting home smoke and carbon monoxide inspections required by M.G.L Chapter 148 Section 26F and 26F 1⁄2. Those inspections deferred under Governor Baker’s COVID-19 Order No. 12 will have 90 days from the rescind date, July 10, 2020, to have their inspection completed. For your family’s safety, and those of our inspectors, increased precautions shall be taken while conducting home inspections and will be explained upon scheduling your appointment. ​Please click here for a guide to selling your home in Hopkinton.​ Thank you in advance for your cooperation.

Health Department Inspections —​ NEW UPDATE
The Hopkinton Health Department intends to resume the inspection of permitted establishments on July 7, 2020. The Department will screen the person in charge before entry. The inspections will be shorter in duration than before. The report will be digital and emailed to the person in charge upon completion.

Parks and Recreation Playground Group starts July 6 at Center School — ​NEW UPDATE
Per the Hopkinton Board of Health, ​while Playground Group is in progress the Center School Playground is closed to the general public​. Playground Group runs Monday through Friday from 8 a.m.-5:30 p.m. through Aug. 7.​ ​Click here​ for more information on Hopkinton P&R Playground Group.

Updated Travel Guidelines —​ REMINDER
Effective Wednesday, July 1, all travelers arriving to Massachusetts, including residents returning home, are instructed to self-quarantine for 14-days. This guidance does not apply to travelers from Rhode Island, Connecticut, Vermont, New Hampshire, Maine, New York or New Jersey. Additionally, workers designated by the federal government as essential critical infrastructure workers are also exempt from this directive. ​More info here.

Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) Releases Initial Fall School Reopening Guidance
On June 25 the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) released initial guidance for the reopening of schools in the fall. This guidance was developed through extensive input from the medical community, educators and parents and reflects the clear goal of supporting the safe return of students and staff to our schools. ​Click here for the full document.

Library To Begin Accepting Returns, Beginning Curbside Pickup
We are pleased to announce that we will now be accepting returns on a limited basis! ​The book drop will be open for returns from 9:30-4:30 weekdays beginning Monday, July 6​. Please do NOT leave returns outside the library when the book drop is closed. They may be lost or damaged and you will be responsible for the resulting replacement fees.​ Click here for more information about returning your materials.

Starting on Monday, July 6, we will be launching curbside pickup for patrons with new holds requests. ​You may request items for pickup by placing holds through the library’s online catalog​.​ We can only fill holds on items owned by, and currently available at, the Hopkinton Library (no inter-library loans). ​We will call you to arrange a time for pickup when your items are ready​.​ We anticipate a high volume of requests as we launch this service; please bear with us. We will work as quickly as we can to get your items to you! ​Click here for full information about our curbside pickup service, including instructions on finding items and placing holds.


Town athletic fields are now open under certain guidelines. More info can be found here. Playgrounds at Sandy Beach, Center School and EMC are open to the public. Face coverings are required when social distancing isn’t practical. Playground signage listing the use requirements will be posted soon.

Hopkinton Temporary Outdoor Dining Rules and Regulations
Anticipating the reopening of restaurants for customer seating outdoors, the Select Board adopted Temporary Outdoor Dining Rules and Regulations​ at its meeting on June 2. Restaurants must comply with the State’s COVID-19 requirements, and the town will expedite and streamline its associated review process. ​Click here for guidelines.
Business owners/managers: Click here for the application.

Hopkinton also posts frequently on social media. Our Twitter is the best place to keep up with all happenings Hopkinton. You don’t need an account to see our twitter feed: https://twitter.com/HopkintonMA

Complete list of Emergency Orders and Guidance from Mass.gov


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