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Hopkinton COVID-19 update for June 3

by | Jun 3, 2020 | News

Editor’s note: This is the town of Hopkinton’s COVID-19 update for June 3.

COVID-19 Updates and Precautions
June 3 update

Previous updates and additional information and resources can be found here:

While Town Hall and municipal buildings are physically closed to the public, ​we are open for business​. Many transactions can be completed online, and we are available via phone and email to assist during regular business hours. A full town directory can be ​found here​. A box at the front door of Town Hall may be used to drop off correspondence, applications, etc., and they may also be mailed or emailed.

As of June 1, Hopkinton’s Health Depa​rtment is reporting 119 total ​confirmed COVID-19 cases; 10 of those cases are active, with 96 recoveries and 13 deaths. You can see historical tracking and updates on ​Hopkinton’s Community Impact Dashboard.

Massachusetts Department of Public Health COVID-19 weekly Public Health Report- ​NEW UPDATE
The Weekly COVID-19 Public Health Report includes enhanced, more granular information to be updated on a weekly, or biweekly basis, including town-by-town case and testing information, cases and deaths in long-term care facilities, updates on nursing facility audit results and more: https://www.mass.gov/doc/weekly-covid-19-public-health-report-june-3-2020/download

DPW Recycling Center Reopens – ​NEW UPDATE
As of Saturday June 6, the DPW will reopen the Recycling Center on Wood Street for weekly operations on Saturdays from 7:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. ​Please​ observe the following:
1. Only three vehicles in the center at a time,
2. Wait in your vehicle until your turn,
3. Face coverings are required,
4. Social Distancing of 6 feet is required.

Water Department – ​NEW UPDATE
For any business or buildings that will be opening under the phase 2 and 3 rules, please see the DEP recommendations for flushing water lines that have been sitting stagnant. https://mass.gov/doc/massdep-building-flushing-information/download

District Attorney Marian Ryan to hold talk on Loneliness and Scams – ​NEW UPDATE
The Hopkinton Senior Center is sponsoring a community-wide program ​open to all ages​ on Friday, June 5, at 12:30 p.m. Middlesex District Attorney Marian Ryan will discuss the topic of loneliness and how it affects us all, especially during this time of social isolation. She will also talk about scams and what steps to take to avoid falling prey to professional scammers. If interested please email Ashley Shaheen, assistant director of senior services, at ​ashaheen@hopkintonma.gov​ for the zoom meeting link.

Hopkinton Youth and Family Services and Mommying is Hard collaborate to bring moms (and all parents) a webinar to help with these uncertain times. – ​NEW UPDATE
How to Cope with Uncertainty on Thursday, June 4, from 8-9:30 p.m. This webinar will provide tips for coping during these times of uncertainty using the proven framework of safety, predictability, and control. For more information and to register: ​COPING WITH UNCERTAINTY.

Annual Town Election rescheduled to be held on June 29, 2020 – ​REMINDER
Click here for more info​ // ​Click here for Vote by Mail FAQ’s

Executive Order Issued in Advance of Phase II of Reopening Massachusetts – ​NEW UPDATE
On Monday, June 1, Governor Baker issued an Executive Order that provides a detailed list of businesses and activities that fall into Phases II, III and IV of the commonwealth’s Re-Opening Plan. The Order also permits all Phase II enterprises, including retail, to begin preparations to safely resume operation in advance of the start of the second phase. In addition to the retail sector, the Executive Order details further requirements for the safe resumption of amateur youth and adult sports and outdoor dining. Effective immediately, the Executive Order permits Phase II businesses to reopen their physical workplaces to workers only to conduct necessary preparations prior to the start of Phase II. Preparations include but are not limited to completing a COVID-19 control plan, implementing sector-specific protocols, and complying with Mandatory Workplace Safety Standards.

For Reopening Phase II Executive Order, ​click here​.
For Childcare Provider Reopening Order, ​click here​.


Reopening Massachusetts
Gov. Baker’s ​Reopening Advisory Board​ released a significant amount of new information and guidance on May 18. Some additional businesses are allowed to open ​during Phase 1, although specific standards must be met by these businesses prior to being allowed to reopen.

Businesses operating to provide essential services, as defined in the governor’s March 23 Executive Order, updated on March 31, April 28 and May 15, may remain open and have until May 25 to comply with these ​mandatory safety standards​. ​In addition to the mandatory safety standards, all businesses​ must meet these standards before reopening:

●  COVID-19 control plan template​ — Template that satisfies the written control plan requirement for self-certification
●  Compliance attestation poster​ — Poster that customer facing businesses are required to print, sign, and post in an area within the business premises that is visible to workers and visitors
●  Employer and worker posters​ — Posters that businesses can print and display within the business premises to describe the rules for maintaining social distancing, hygiene protocols, and cleaning and disinfecting.

When can my business reopen?

Hopkinton also posts frequently on social media. Our Twitter is the best place to keep up with all happenings Hopkinton. You don’t need an account to see our twitter feed: https://twitter.com/HopkintonMA

Complete list of Emergency Orders and Guidance from Mass.gov


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