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Hopkinton man dies in Milford motorcycle crash

by | Aug 25, 2024 | Featured: News, News, Police & Fire

A 43-year-old Hopkinton man died following a motorcycle crash in Milford on Saturday, according to Milford Police.

The motorcyclist’s name was not released by authorities.

The crash occurred at 4:33 p.m. on Cedar Street in Milford, by the Interstate 495 southbound on-ramp. Local police and fire crews arrived on scene and began rendering aid shortly after receiving multiple 911 calls.

According to a Milford Police Department press release, there was a collision between the motorcycle and a motor vehicle. The man was “ejected from his motorcycle” and subsequently “collided with a nearby rock formation.”

Emergency personnel transported the man to Milford Regional Medical Center, where he later succumbed to life-threatening injuries. The driver of the motor vehicle, who had minor injuries, was transported to the hospital as well.

An investigation into the incident began later that evening. Members of the Milford Police Detective Bureau and the Massachusetts State Police accident reconstruction team continued working into the night.


  1. Marcia Hill

    How many people have to be injured or die at that location before state and local authorities step in and address the situation? Motorists traveling south on Route 495 then attempting to turn left on the exit ramp to go north on Route 85 need the support of a set of traffic lights timed to coincide with the traffic lights on the northbound exit ramp. Come on policy makers, just do something about this. One death is too many.

  2. Karen Pinkham

    As a Walden Woods resident and a frequent user of Route 495I have witnessed numerous “close call” almost accidents at the 85 and 495 area exit. I have said to many neighbors that the town has to do something, this is a very dangerous intersection !!!!!!!’

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