Good morning, Hopkinton! Welcome to the daily update we call Hopkinton Today — a quick recap of yesterday’s news, highlights of what’s on tap, and a photo of the day.
Hopkinton’s youth football tackle program was put on hold after the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. Now the organization’s new leader, Bryan Brown, is hoping to bring it back in the fall.
The resident who proposed changing the zoning at the corner of South Street and Hayward Street announced via a letter to the editor that he seeks to withdraw his citizens’ petition due to concerns that there is not enough time before the May 1 Town Meeting “to ensure this project works for everyone in the neighborhood and the wider Hopkinton community.”
Hopkinton musicians performed at the 2023 Massachusetts Instrumental and Choral Conductors Association (MICCA) Concert Festival earlier this month and earned multiple medals.
As part of the Main Street Corridor Project this week, the eastbound detour from Pleasant Street to Maple Street to Grove Street will be used from Monday to Friday.
The RE/MAX Charitable Foundation presents a Comedy for a Cause fundraiser this Friday, April 28, at the Hopkinton Center for the Arts. The event features Boston headliners Al Park and Sean Sullivan.
The second annual Family Fling — rained out in March — has been rescheduled to Saturday, April 29, at Hopkinton Town Common. The event, sponsored by the Friends of Hopkinton and the Hopkinton Lions Club, will run from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. and include food, entertainment and activities, including a scavenger hunt.
Town meetings tonight include the Board of Health (5:30), Planning Board (7), Board of Library Trustees (7) and Trails Coordination and Management Committee (7:30).
Photo of the Day: Organizers and volunteers pose for a photo at Saturday’s Friends of Whitehall spring lake and trail cleanup.

Interesting that the Chief Financial Officer leaving Town for another job this week didn’t make the headlines. Friendly reminder that in the last 8 months the following management positions have been vacated by resignation: Town Accountant, Treasurer/Collector, Parks and Rec Director (he was pushed out, but still), Fire Chief, DPW Director, and the Chief Financial Officer. Yet the Select Board, right now, is considering another $200K + a year contract for Khumalo as Town Manager. When a ton of top level positions leave, it should be clear that the “tone at the top” is entirely the wrong tone.