Good morning, Hopkinton! Welcome to the daily update we call Hopkinton Today — a quick recap of yesterday’s news, highlights of what’s on tap, and a photo of the day.
David Brauninger, principal of Lt. Peter M. Hansen Elementary School in Canton, was selected as the new principal at Elmwood School, Superintendent Carol Cavanaugh announced Friday. He will succeed Anne Carver, who is retiring in June.
Hopkinton’s Jason Hicks was unexpectedly thrust into the spotlight at the NCAA basketball Final Four on Saturday, as the University of Miami student manager assisted one of the team’s star players who had a sneaker issue.
As part of the Main Street Corridor Project this week, temporary line striping is to be applied from Grove Street to Ray Street beginning at 8 a.m. Monday.
This week’s Library Corner includes information on the rescheduled Movie and Director Q&A for “Being Robin,” a presentation from a cannabis consultant, and a program on going to zero waste as a family.
Our latest Summer Fun Business Profile highlights Hopkinton Parks & Recreation, which has some affordable and “very uniquely Hopkinton” activities for families this summer.
Town meetings tonight include the Board of Health (5;30), Appropriation Committee (6), Sustainable Green Committee (6), Hopkinton Democratic Town Committee Caucus (6:30), Planning Board (7) and Woodville Historic District Commission (7).
Photo of the Day: Sarah Brennan, Hopkinton Police Officer Tim Brennan and Scoutmaster Steve Distasio enjoy the food at the Boy Scouts Troop 4 Pancake Breakfast at St. John’s Church on Saturday morning.