Hopkinton, MA
Hopkinton, US
4:58 pm, Saturday, September 14, 2024
temperature icon 78°F
Humidity 64 %
Wind Gust: 8 mph


Main Street Corridor Project update: Line striping scheduled for Monday

by | Apr 2, 2023 | Business, News

As part of the Main Street Corridor Project this week, temporary line striping is to be applied from Grove Street to Ray Street beginning at 8 a.m. Monday.

No other work is planned for the two weeks prior to the April 17 Boston Marathon. The contractor will commence with full operations after the Boston Marathon. Initial work is anticipated to include the installation of underground conduit for street lighting and traffic signals. Bike lane/sidewalk work on the west side is targeted to begin in May. Full-depth excavation/reconstruction from Muffin House Cafe to Ray Street is scheduled to start sometime after the Boston Marathon. Resetting curb/bike lane/sidewalk work on the east side of the project will follow the full-depth reconstruction.

Working hours for the Main Street Corridor Project are 7 a.m. until 3 p.m. No detours, one-lane closures or road closures are allowed from 7-9 a.m.

This schedule may change due to weather and existing conditions found while performing the planned tasks. For the most up-to-date information, visit the town’s project website at hopkintonmainstreet.com.


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