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Hopkinton Today: Thursday, April 23

by | Apr 23, 2020 | Featured Front Page, Hopkinton Today

Good morning, Hopkinton!

For those new to the site, this post is a daily update we call Hopkinton Today. We’ll have a quick recap of yesterday’s news, highlights for the coming day and a video or two to brighten your day.

The pandemic can take a toll on mental health, and there are organizations in town that are helping people cope with the situation.

Meanwhile, Hopkinton residents are doing their part to help each other out and honor those who are putting themselves at risk.

This week’s Community Q&A is with Michael Torosian, who many know from his work with HCAM Television.

The Hopkinton Town Manager’s Office will have virtual office hours today from 2-4 p.m., using the Zoom teleconferencing platform. Check the web meeting calendar at the bottom of the town’s home page for details.

Video of the day: My kids didn’t find this funny, but I thought it was creative.

Music video of the day: Here’s Phil Collins with “Sussudio” to get you in a good mood. Enjoy.


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