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Hopkinton Today: Thursday, April 9

by | Apr 9, 2020 | Featured Front Page, Hopkinton Today

Good morning, Hopkinton!

For those new to the site, this post is a daily update we call Hopkinton Today. We’ll have a quick recap of yesterday’s news, highlights for the coming day and a video or two to brighten your day.

At his Wednesday state coronavirus briefing, Gov. Charlie Baker announced new emergency rules for grocery stores, capping the number of people allowed inside at 40 percent of maximum capacity (including employees). Stores with a maximum occupancy of 25 or less are exempted from the requirement. Those waiting in line outside are to maintain proper social distancing.

The Hopkinton School Committee meets online this evening, and one of the topics of discussion is whether to eliminate April vacation, which would affect the end date of the school year. The meeting will be broadcast on HCAM starting at 7 p.m.

Video of the day: A man in the Indian state of Telengana dresses as the grim reaper to discourage people from congregating on the street.

Music video of the day: Here’s “Who Can It Be Now,” the first U.S. hit (in 1982) from the Australian band Men at Work. Enjoy.


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