Good morning, Hopkinton! Welcome to the daily update we call Hopkinton Today — a quick recap of yesterday’s news, highlights of what’s on tap, and a photo of the day.
Hopkinton High School chemistry teacher Kristen Murphy said that she was not “a tinkering, robotics type of kid.” Skip ahead to this May when Murphy was honored as Massachusetts Science and Engineering Fair High School Teacher of the Year.
The Elementary School Building Committee still has major decisions to make before finalizing its schematic design phase for a proposed new Elmwood School on Hayden Rowe Street. These decisions concern traffic and particularly recommendations for a turning lane extension for the Marathon School driveway and extension of lanes into the new school driveway and addition of pedestrian flashing lights at two crosswalks.
The Conservation Commission on Tuesday continued a hearing on five subdivision units on Myrtle Avenue — a road that is to be built off Blueberry Lane — after commissioners spoke about encroachment into the buffer zone.
The upper and main beaches at Hopkinton State Park have been closed after being deemed unsafe for swimming by the Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation due to high bacteria counts (enterococci) measured on Tuesday.
This week’s Police Log includes one arrest along with reports of a snake in a garage, an assault on West Main Street, and a delivery truck backing into a garage and causing damage.
Town meetings tonight include the Select Board (6) and Community Preservation Committee (7).
Photo of the Day: A bee sits on a colorful flower. Click here for more photos from around town.