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10:43 pm, Tuesday, September 10, 2024
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Hopkinton Today: Tuesday, Feb. 23

by | Feb 23, 2021 | Hopkinton Today

Good morning, Hopkinton! Welcome to the daily update we call Hopkinton Today — a quick recap of yesterday’s news, highlights of what’s on tap, and a video or two to brighten your morning.

The Zoning Advisory Committee on Monday made some final tweaks to its proposed tree-cutting bylaw, which is primarily designed to curtail large commercial ground-mounted solar arrays, and voted to send it to the Planning Board. ZAC’s strategy is to limit tree clearing on a lot to 20 percent of the basal area in residential and agricultural zoning districts, and 70 percent in business and industrial districts.

Like every other sport during the COVID-19 pandemic, skiing looked a little different this year. The Hopkinton High School boys and girls teams needed to make sure they stayed spaced out and kept their numbers down on the hill, but what they love the most about their sport is the chance to compete, and that was not taken away. “Their spirits were high, they were happy to be out there,” coach Nancy Schlussel said.

The latest edition of Library Corner includes an update on the library’s schedule, with walk-in and curbside hours changing this week.

This week’s Business Profile highlights Hiller’s Cleaners, which is committed to staying open during the pandemic.

Town meetings tonight include the Board of Assessors (5), Select Board (6) and Conservation Commission (7).

Photo of the Day: Ice fishing items sit on the water at Hopkinton State Park.

Ice fishing items


Video of the Day:


Key Storage 4.14.22