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Hopkinton Today: Tuesday, Feb. 8

by | Feb 8, 2022 | Hopkinton Today

Good morning, Hopkinton! Welcome to the daily update we call Hopkinton Today — a quick recap of yesterday’s news, highlights of what’s on tap, and a photo and video of the day.

While Hopkinton has continued to see an improvement in the number of COVID cases, the town continues to be listed by the CDC as “high risk for community transmission” and is at least a few days away from getting out of that designation, Health Director Shaun McAuliffe told the Board of Health at its Monday meeting. McAuliffe said he recently had discussions with town officials about “when we would be ready to recommend that we no longer require face coverings within the municipal buildings” and allow a resumption of in-person meetings.

Town Clerk Connor Degan announced his intention to run for state representative, following last week’s announcement by Carolyn Dykema that she was leaving her post this week for a job with a solar energy company.

Leading off the Hopkinton High School sports roundup, boys basketball saw its seven-game winning streak end, wrestling earned a share of the TVL title, and the swimming and track teams had solid performances at the league showcase meets.

Town meetings tonight include the Select Board (6) and Conservation Commission (7).

Photo of the Day: Hopkinton High School’s robotics Team 2602B won the Design Award at Sunday’s VEX Robotics Tipping Point Tournament in Framingham and has advanced to next month’s Southern New England regional championship.

HHS robotics


Video of the Day:



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