Good morning, Hopkinton! Welcome to the daily update we call Hopkinton Today — a quick recap of yesterday’s news, highlights of what’s on tap, and a photo and video of the day.
Not only is Hopkinton’s PFAS problem not improving, the chemicals are turning up in other water supplies in town, health director Shaun McAuliffe shared Monday.
Superintendent Carol Cavanaugh announced Monday that the Hopkinton Public Schools will no longer require masking on school buses starting Tuesday. Windows will be kept open on the buses.
The next monthly Veterans Breakfast will be held this Friday, March 4, at the Senior Center, and will include military history and baseball trivia.
Town meetings tonight include the Board of Assessors (5:30), Select Board (6), Appropriation Committee (6:30), School Committee (6:30), Conservation Commission (7) and Historical Commission (7).
Photo of the Day: Hopkinton Center for the Arts Executive Director Kelly Grill cuts the ribbon while local dignitaries look on Monday. The HCA was celebrating the reopening of its redeveloped farmhouse.

Video of the Day: