Good morning, Hopkinton! Welcome to the daily update we call Hopkinton Today — a quick recap of yesterday’s news, highlights of what’s on tap, and a video or two to brighten your morning.
According to multiple reports out of Boston, the Massachusetts medical examiner has determined that Mikayla Miller’s death was a suicide. Middlesex District Attorney Marian Ryan has said repeatedly that she would not come to any conclusions in the investigation into Miller’s death until receiving the medical examiner’s report along with other forensic analysis.
The Select Board, meeting in person at Town Hall on Tuesday night for the first time since switching to Zoom last year during the pandemic, bid farewell to Brian Herr, paying tribute to the longtime board member by singing his praises and gifting him an engraved wooden chair.
Hopkinton’s latest COVID-19 update shows four active cases in town and includes details on Monday’s announcement from the state that restrictions soon will be lifted.
This week’s edition of Senior Snippets includes information on programs that focus on organic gardening, maintaining an enjoyable retirement life and more.
Hopkinton High School baseball coach Steve Simoes is fond of saying that his team does not make tournament goals because first the team has to earn its spot in the state tournament. The postseason is different this year, with every team automatically eligible for the playoffs, so Simoes said the focus will be on trying to peak at the end of the season and taking advantage of a tough Tri-Valley League schedule.
Town meetings tonight include the Sustainable Green Committee (6:30), Hopkinton Cultural Council (6:30) and Hopkinton Historic District Commission (7).
Photo of the Day: Election warden Russell Ellsworth (left) and town clerk Connor Degan complete last Friday’s test of the town’s ballot-counting machines in preparation for Saturday’s Annual Town Election.

Video of the Day: