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Hopkinton Youth & Family Services hosts mental health workshops in June

by | May 24, 2022 | Featured

Hopkinton Youth & Family Services, together with Hopkinton Organizing for Prevention, announced three workshops to be held in June at the Hopkinton Public Library.

On June 1 from 7-9 p.m., the Hopkinton-based Mental Health Collaborative will present a program for parents and caregivers called Let’s Talk About Mental Health. The program is designed to help participants become more mental health literate — how to talk about mental health with children, when and how to get help, and more.

The programs on June 8 and 9 have the theme of Families for Depression Awareness.

The program on June 8 from 7-8:30 p.m. is a parent workshop. “Does your family have the tools they need to address life’s stressors?” the flyer reads. “By being knowledgeable about self care and mental health, you can help your family get on the path to wellness. During this training, participants will learn how to identify symptoms of stress in themselves and family members, manage stress as a family, respond when symptoms become ‘more than stress,’ and get help for themselves or a family member.”

The program on June 9 from 7-8:30 p.m. is billed as a teen workshop, for ages 14-24. “Pressure from school, family, friends, work: you are surrounded and burdened by stress from all sides,” the flyer reads. “Because untreated stress can lead to mental health conditions like depression, we all need to develop practical strategies to manage day-to-day stress. Come learn from someone who survived stress and depression during their teen and young adult years. Participants will learn the signs of stress and depression, identify strategies to manage day-to-day stress, and begin to create a survival guide of their own.”

For more information on any of the programs, visit the Hopkinton Youth & Family Services page at the town website: hopkintonma.gov/residents/youth_and_family_services.


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