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Business Briefs: Joseph’s firm earns top honor from RE/MAX

by | Mar 19, 2020 | Business, News

RE/MAX Executive Realty, headed by Hopkinton’s Chuck Joseph (left) along with Chris Arienti and Bill Wright, won a major national award at the RE/MAX International Convention last month.

At the RE/MAX International Convention in Las Vegas last month, Hopkinton’s Chuck Joseph and partners Bill Wright and Chris Arienti of RE/MAX Executive Realty were recognized with the 2019 Broker Owner of the Year Award for the United States.
Joseph said he was surprised and honored by the recognition, and he said all the company’s employees — which includes those who work at the office in Hopkinton — share in the accomplishment.

“It’s an honor we accepted on behalf of the 160 people that work with us,” he said. “It’s not something that we did on our own, it’s something this company has done. To get a national Broker Owner of the Year Award for multi-offices is a real honor. We were humbled and pleased, but we absolutely accepted on behalf of our agents, who continue to knock it out of the park every year.”

RE/MAX Executive Realty, with an office in Hopkinton, is the largest RE/MAX franchise company in New England.

In the fall RE/MAX Executive Realty was recognized in the Boston Globe’s Top Places to Work special section, placing third on the list of medium-sized companies.

Blackstone Valley Wealth advisors honored

Blackstone Valley Wealth Management advisors James Valis and Gregg Manis picked up another set of honors this month, as they were named to the LPL Director’s Club and Freedom Club, respectively.

“I’m proud to congratulate James and Gregg on behalf of LPL,” said Andy Kalbaugh, LPL managing director and divisional president, national sales and consulting. “We applaud their dedication to making meaningful impacts in the lives of their clients every day. We’re honored to support advisors like them and wish them continued success.”

Valis and Manis are managing partners at Hopkinton-based Blackstone Valley Wealth Management and have been providing financial services to clients in the New England area for over 40 years collectively. They are affiliated with LPL Financial, the nation’s largest independent broker-dealer.

MRMC seeks volunteers for advisory council

Milford Regional Medical Center is seeking community members from its 19-town service area to serve on the hospital’s Patient and Family Advisory Council (PFAC). Now in its 10th year of operation, the PFAC is dedicated to promoting a partnership between the patients, families, and working professionals affiliated with MRMC to promote and foster patient-centered care.

The PFAC at Milford Regional, which meets monthly, includes staff from MRMC’s administration and departments, and former patients or those who have had family members receive care at the hospital. Community members must reside within Milford Regional’s service area, which includes Hopkinton. Members commit to a two-year term and have the opportunity to participate on various committees, task forces and advisory boards.

Those interested in becoming a member of Milford Regional’s Patient Family Advisory Council must complete and submit an application form by March 27. For more information on the PFAC at Milford Regional and/or to obtain an application, go to the Medical Center’s website at milfordregional.org or contact Michelle Barry at michbarry@milreg.org or (508) 422-2648.


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