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Letter to the Editor: Local support for Mermell

by | Aug 9, 2020 | Letter to Editor

With one voice, we rise to support Jesse Mermell for Congress in the September 1 primary.
We trust Mermell to show up, work hard, and fight for our values. She has met with us personally on many occasions and has joined our community at the Black Lives Matter protest on the Town Common. We find her to be an attentive and open-minded listener as well as a determined advocate.

Mermell brings to the table her experience as a former Brookline Select Board member, advisor to Governor Deval Patrick, and senior leader at Planned Parenthood. More importantly, she brings depth to our ongoing discussions about issues that affect us every day. A supporter of the Green New Deal and Medicare For All, she also advocates for racial and social justice, common sense gun legislation, and her plan for COVID-19 response and recovery.

We are impressed by Mermell’s list of endorsements, including the National Education Association, Massachusetts Teachers Association, Massachusetts Nurses Association, and labor organizations too numerous to list here. Congresswoman Ayanna Pressley is a strong supporter, as are many of Hopkinton’s own elected officials.

We urge all voters to cast a ballot on or before September 1. For those pulling a Democratic ballot, please join us in voting YES for Jesse Mermell for Congress.

— Hopkinton residents Mary Jo LaFreniere, Amy Ritterbusch, Muriel Kramer and Lisa Whittemore, and state Rep. Carolyn Dykema (whose district includes Hopkinton)

Editor’s note: The opinions and comments expressed in letters to the editor are those of the writers and not necessarily those of the Independent. Submissions should be no more than 400 words and must include the writer’s name and contact information for verification. Letters should be relevant and not primarily for the purpose of promoting an organization or event. Letters may be edited by the Independent staff for space, errors or clarification, and the Independent offers no guarantee that every letter will be published. For a schedule of deadlines for letters and other submissions for the print edition, click here.


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