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Library Corner, Feb. 21 edition

by | Feb 19, 2024 | Featured

For more information on any of the following programs or other activities at the library, visit hopkintonlibrary.org. Visit the library’s website calendar for event registration information. The library also can be found on Facebook, @hopkintonlibrary, and on Twitter, @HopkintonPLMA.

Winter Reading Marathon
Just like marathon runners, good readers consistently practice and challenge themselves. All ages are welcome to participate, including kids who are not yet reading, because being read to always counts. This program began Feb. 18, but readers can jump in any time. Check the library website for details.

Monthly Music & Movement
Wednesday, Feb. 21, 10:30-11:15 a.m.
This month’s children’s concert, recommended for ages 0-5, is with Evan Hale. These monthly concerts are generously sponsored by the Hopkinton Public Library Foundation.

Chat ’n’ Chew Book Club
Wednesday, Feb. 21, 12:30-2 p.m.
Those who can take off at least an hour are welcome to have lunch with the Chat ’n’ Chew group and share what they’ve been reading lately. This book club does not have a specific book to read. Each person talks about whatever book they have been reading recently. Those interested also can meet virtually using Google Meet. (Registration required for joining virtually.)

SAT Study, Practice and Strategy Session
Friday, Feb. 23, 3:15-4:15 p.m.
For those preparing for the SAT, these peer-led, drop-in study sessions in the Teen Room will help students achieve their best scores. This event, sponsored by the HPL Young Adult Department, is open to all teens, including non-Hopkinton residents. Registration is not mandatory, but doing so will prompt a calendar reminder.

Nutrition for Littles (recommended for ages 2-6)
Monday, Feb. 26, 10-11 a.m.
Nutrition for Littles, recommended for ages 2-6, is cohosted with the Hopkinton YMCA (Project ABC). The goal of this program is to provide caregivers with the confidence and tools needed for successful feeding environments, introduce and increase acceptance of new foods, and offer a safe space for open communication with other caregivers and the YMCA nutrition staff.

Grade 3-5 Book Club
Tuesdays, Feb. 27 and March 5, 4:15-5 p.m.
Children in third, fourth and fifth grade are invited to join Ms. Carly to discuss books. There is no assigned book to read. Each meeting, kids can share about a book they have read or are currently reading. Graphic novels, chapter books, nonfiction, and books on Playaway all are up for discussion at this book club.

Red Cross Blood Drive
Wednesday, Feb. 28, 2-7 p.m.
Register on the Red Cross website at rcblood.org/3AmuYsP.

Author Talk: Kim Scott
Wednesday, Feb. 28, 2-3 p.m. on Zoom
Kim Scott, New York Times bestselling author of “Radical Candor: Be a Kick-Ass Boss Without Losing Your Humanity,” will explain the Radical Candor feedback framework. She’ll offer practical, tactical tips for how to solicit criticism, give praise and criticism, gauge how what you’re saying is landing, and build a culture of Radical Candor. She’ll also talk about how to ensure that bias, prejudice and bullying don’t masquerade as feedback.

Garden Design for Habitat
Thursday, Feb. 29, 6:30-7:45 p.m.
Gardens are about a lot more than birds and butterflies. Regenerative landscape designer Trevor Smith, head of garden design at Weston Nurseries, will explain everything gardeners need to think about when it comes to designing and gardening for wildlife. Attendees will be able to start planning their spring garden with habitat in mind. This event is sponsored by the Hopkinton Area Land Trust (HALT).

Scrabble Club and Mahjong Club
Tuesday, March 5, 6-7:30 p.m.
Join us for Scrabble Club and Mahjong Club, where we play Scrabble and Mahjong! We’ll provide Scrabble sets, but we don’t have a Mahjong set at this time. Please bring you own set if you can! No registration is required.

50-Plus Job Seekers Networking Group
Wednesday, March 6, 9:30-11:30 a.m.
This professional forum, held via Zoom, is for networking with peers in a safe and comfortable environment conducive to developing new relationships and developing skills and strategies to help in one’s career transition. This session will focus on resumes.

‘Duped’: The Gardner Museum Heist
Thursday, March 7, 6-7:30 p.m.
Bob Ainsworth, the author of “Duped,” a fictional account of the Gardner Museum heist, will review the actual details of the theft, the suspects and the motives behind the world’s most valued art theft. He also will talk about his own brush with the infamous crime.

Truly Eleanor
Saturday, March 23, 1-2:15 p.m.
The Delvena Theatre Company presents “Truly Eleanor,” a biographical performance about the life of First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt. In this three-person, live performance, Eleanor shares some of her most private and meaningful moments. “Truly Eleanor” takes a candid look at our greatest First Lady’s courage and at her great contributions to human rights and liberty for all. The cast will open up for discussion of the subject matter after the performance. This program is co-sponsored by the Hopkinton Women’s Club.

Over the Rainbow Book Group
Tuesday, March 26, 6:30-7:45 p.m.
All are invited to join the new Over the Rainbow Book Group to explore works of both fiction and nonfiction written by LGBTQ+ authors or with LGBTQ+ themes. Copies of the titles to be discussed will be available at the Circulation Desk at least one month prior to each meeting. Or patrons can place a hold and request to pick up a copy at a library of their choosing. This adult group meets on the fourth Tuesday of each month from 6:30-7:45 p.m. unless otherwise noted. This month’s book is “White Houses” by Amy Bloom.


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