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Library Corner, Sept. 29 edition

by | Sep 27, 2021 | Featured

For more information on any of the following programs or other activities at the library, visit hopkintonlibrary.org. The library also can be found on Facebook, @hopkintonlibrary, and on Twitter, @HopkintonPLMA.

Library Hours
The library is open for browsing Mondays through Thursdays from 10 a.m.-9 p.m. and Fridays from 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Due to the expanded hours, curbside pickup has been discontinued. Study rooms and computers are available on a limited basis.
The library will be closed on Oct. 11 for Indigenous Peoples Day/Columbus Day.

Relaunching Your Career with Deb Raymond
Tuesdays, Oct. 5 and 12, 10:30 a.m. (Zoom)
Experienced career coach Deb Raymond is leading a six-week series on relaunching a career. Attendees will meet weekly with others who are on the same journey and build their confidence to transition back to work. Week 4 focuses on using LinkedIn, while Week 5 addresses interviewing. Register via the library’s website calendar.

Printmaking in Early Colonial New England
Tuesday, Oct. 5, 7 p.m. (Zoom)
Andy Volpe will provide an in-depth look at the printing methods used in the New England (English) colonies from the 1630s to 1790s. Attendees will learn about the differences between letterpress and engraving printing, how they were used, and the impact each had. The presentation also will address newspapers, magazines and other printed media and their use, popularity (or scarcity) in the colonies as well as what was going on in Europe at the same time, with a focus on Massachusetts Bay Colony up to Paul Revere.


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