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MacDowell seeks board’s input to finish sidewalk project

by | Oct 25, 2018 | Business, Featured

Legacy Farms Developer Roy MacDowell met with the town Planning Board Oct. 15 to seek guidance on completing a section of sidewalk on East Main Street. The section to be completed starts at 83 East Main St. and continues to the town’s athletic field parcel located adjacent to 51 East Main St.

   The sidewalk construction project on East Main Street originally began in September 2017.

   MacDowell is undertaking of the project is part of an mitigation agreement with the town regarding the Legacy Farms housing development on former Weston Nurseries land off East Main Street.

   The 19-acre athletic fields parcel, which was turned over to the town in November of 2016, was also part of a mitigation agreement with the town.

   At that time the town Parks and Recreation Commission was working with the 26.2 Foundation to place an International Marathon Center on the athletic parcel. As part of that plan, Parks and Recreation used $25,000 from the town’s Community Preservation Act fund to have an engineering firm explore ways to cross wetlands in order to access the parcel.

   The Conservation Commission voted to permit an access road to the field via a bridge. The plan calls for the sidewalk to go over a section of that bridge. However, at present, the status of the bridge construction project is still in question, MacDowell told the Planning Board.

   MacDowell asked the board if it would like to have the sidewalk completed up until the bridge portion, or wait to complete sidewalk construction until the bridge is built.

   Before making that decision, board members decided that they needed more input.

   The topic was continued to the Planning Board meeting on Monday, Nov. 19, in the hope that Director of Public Works John Westerling would be available to provide his opinion on the project.

   In the meantime, MacDowell said he would try to get additional information from the Conservation Commission and the Parks and Recreation Commission.


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