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Main Street Corridor Project update: Full-depth excavation of 135/85 intersection to begin; eastbound detour resumes

by | Aug 14, 2022 | Featured: News, News

As part of the Main Street Corridor Project, the contractor will start Phase 2 of the full-depth excavation at the intersection of Route 135 and Route 85 this week. This portion of the project is expected to be completed in three weeks. One lane of traffic will be maintained, while the eastbound detour — Pleasant Street to Maple Street to Hayden Rowe Street and back to Main Street — will be utilized. Walcott Street will be open to two-way traffic during the detour and will revert to one way when both lanes of the road are reopened.

Work will begin at the Fire Station and move eastward to Muffin House. Work also will take place within the project limits on Cedar Street and Grove Street. Access to driveways will be maintained with possible brief delays. Dust control measures will be utilized, including mandatory treatment over the weekend. Estimated work hours will be between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. and might include Saturdays.

On the west side of the project — between Wood Street and the Fire Station — workers will install new granite curbs along Main Street, fine grade and compact sidewalks, and start forming concrete sidewalks.

On the east side of the project, work will resume on Comcast duct banks from Muffin House to Ash Street, and underground service work will be performed to property lines in the same area.

Service connections will be continued project-wide.

This schedule may change due to weather and existing conditions found while performing the planned tasks. For the most up-to-date information, visit the town’s project website at hopkintonmainstreet.com.


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