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Mason Lee, 13

by | Sep 2, 2020 | Obituaries

Mason Lee

Mason (Jennifer) Lee, 13, of Hopkinton, passed away unexpectedly on Sept. 1. Born in Guatemala City, Guatemala, he was the child of Kim Henderson-Lee and Andrew Lee of Hopkinton.

Mason was an outstanding student at Hopkinton Middle School, where he had a small but close group of friends. Mason was an avid soccer fan and player on the town Academy team, loved listening to music, and took great pleasure in learning to play the guitar. He was also an aspiring artist and writer and spent hours drawing pencil sketches and writing fiction. He also enjoyed baking for his family and reading.

Besides his parents, Mason leaves behind his brother, Gabriel Lee; his grandparents, Joan Ruuska Warburton, Charles Warburton, Beverlee Lee, Pam Henderson and Fred Henderson; his aunts and uncles, Matthew Lee, Nathaniel Lee, Bryan Anderson, Aimee Harmelink and Mark Henderson; and his cousins, Kathryn, Juliana, Alexander, Griffin, Samson, Jacob, Leigha, Zach and Josh.

Visitation will be held on Sept. 6 from 12:30-2:30 p.m. at the Chesmore Funeral Home of Hopkinton. A funeral service will follow visitation at 3 p.m. at Mount Auburn Cemetery, Hopkinton. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to MetroWest OUT (outmetrowest.org) or Project Just Because (projectjustbecause.org).


  1. Kathy Padovano& EdHughes

    Our deepest condolences during this most difficult time.

  2. KT

    For anyone who ever knew Mason, I am so sorry for your loss. My condolences go to all of you for whoever knew Mason. Sure, the passing of Mason was tragic, but the town of Hopkinton can gather together and be resilient because Hopkinton has always been that way. I can say that even though we experienced such a tragic and unexpected loss, but the town of Hopkinton can do something even bigger to be as supportive as possible. A loss of a friend, classmate, child, niece, nephew, cousin, neighbor or grandchild or anything can be difficult. But what matters more is that we can do something about it. In my personal thoughts, I thought I’d spread the word about wearing blue for Mason on the first day of school. May Mason rest in peace now. And please when referring to him, use his pronouns, him/his/he, and if you have a message for him, please put a little blue heart. ?. Thank you.

    • Gabe

      Thank you so much KT. Also you said you were in my class? What grade was that and also what did you look like I am sorry but I don’t really remember you.

  3. Gabe

    I am going to miss you bro. It breaks my heart to see you die. I will always love you and always.remember the good times when we were younger and before your death. Rest in peace little bro

  4. G

    I’ll always miss you. When I met you in 3rd grade I knew we were going to be really good friends, and happy we were. I’m sorry I didn’t know you were going through something

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