Hopkinton, MA
Hopkinton, US
11:57 pm, Tuesday, September 10, 2024
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Monthly trail volunteer day this Saturday

by | Dec 1, 2021 | Featured

The Hopkinton Trail Coordination and Management Committee (TCMC) and the Hopkinton Trails Club have created a monthly trail volunteer day on the first Saturday of each month. The second monthly trail volunteer day is set for this Saturday (Dec. 4) from 9 a.m.-noon.

Participants will meet at the entrance to Center Trail, across from Hopkinton Lumber, and will clean up the parking area as well as haul lumber and construct boardwalks on the Welzel Trail to address a wet area. Volunteers should bring gloves, rakes and clippers.

At each monthly volunteer day, participants will help with general trail maintenance on specific trails. Residents also are encouraged to inform the trails groups of maintenance issues observed on trails (downed trees, trails becoming overgrown, etc.) by emailing TCMCchair@hopkintonma.gov or hopkinton.trails.club@gmail.com.

The specific project to be addressed each month will be announced on local media, and residents can join the Hopkinton Trails Club mailing list to get monthly notices of the volunteer opportunities (as well as monthly trail hikes) by going to the group’s website at hopkintontrailsclub.com.

The first volunteer day was Nov. 6, and it focused on Echo Trail, located on Granite Street near Hayden Rowe. Drainageways along the trail were cleared of debris so that water will not overtop and damage the trail, and branches were trimmed back from the trail edge. A total of 10 people participated in the work, which is expected to stabilize the trail for at least a couple years, according to TCMC Chair Peter LaGoy.


Key Storage 4.14.22