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Police Chief Bennett: HPD stands against ‘all injustice’

by | Jun 4, 2020 | Featured Front Page, News, Police & Fire, Z-Lead Image Front Page

Joseph Bennett, who recently was promoted to chief of the Hopkinton Police Department, released a statement Thursday on the racial unrest and protests that have occurred across the nation.

Below is the statement in full:

Yesterday, I was extremely humbled to pick up my Oath of Office from the Town Clerk. This oath serves as the bedrock of how the members of the Hopkinton Police Department serve our community. The appalling murder of George Floyd by Derek Chauvin​,​ J. Alexander Kueng, Thomas Lane and Tou Thao​ disgusts and angers all of us. I want everyone to know that we stand with all of our community in solidarity against that injustice and all injustice.

I believe words matter and I also believe actions speak louder than words. It was a special moment last Sunday to see our community come together in a peaceful protest at our town common. As those present experienced in person and others saw in the amazing photos posted in the news, your Police Officers stood in support of the protest and closed Marathon Way to assist the protesters in being more visible to the cars passing by the common.

Recently, a video with George Floyd’s daughter Gianna sitting atop a man’s shoulders went viral on social media. When asked what her father did she responded “Daddy changed the world!” As the Police Officer’s Oath reads in part … ”I do, solemnly swear and affirm that I will faithfully and impartially discharge and perform my duties incumbent on me …” Today and every day I further pledge to all of you that I will work together with my team and the community to ensure Gianna’s beautiful voice becomes a lasting truth.

Should there be any questions or concerns I am here at your service.

Joseph E. Bennett III
Chief of Police
Hopkinton, Massachusetts


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