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School Committee approves agreement with teachers union on full-time reopening

by | Apr 8, 2021 | Education, Featured: Education

School Committee members on Thursday unanimously supported a memorandum of agreement with the Hopkinton Teachers Association that agrees on conditions to reopen the schools on a full-time basis.

The vote was taken at a special meeting with only two items on the agenda.

Kindergarten through grade 5 reopened fully this past Monday. Middle and high schools are scheduled to reopen April 26.

“We’re very excited about that,” superintendent Carol Cavanaugh said.

The superintendent thanked the teachers union for negotiations that she said went “very smoothly” and allowed for an agreement to be reached “very quickly.”

Committee chair Amanda Fargiano agreed, calling the process “fluid and collaborative.”

“I feel like we’re moving forward,” she said.

The agreement runs through June 30 and was ratified by the teachers last week.

In the second issue of the evening, the committee unanimously supported two Town Meeting articles that would transfer money from the Legacy Farms host community agreement in the stabilization fund to the schools to bolster the operating budget and to offset costs of potential enrollment increases.

No money amount has been attached yet to the articles.

Projecting enrollments for next year has been “challenging” because of the pandemic, finance director Susan Rothermich said.


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