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Schools Notebook: Locals honored at Worcester Academy; residents graduate from URI

by | Sep 1, 2021 | Education

Worcester Academy held its 187th commencement exercises June 4. Among the 129 graduates were Hopkinton residents Lauren Gray, Yixin Huang and Emma Potas.

For the second semester, Potas received first honors, while Huang and Gray also were named to the headmaster’s list. Other local students honored included junior Ryan D’Amour (first honors), sophomore Ally Gray (headmaster’s list) and freshmen William Masterson (first honors) and Jonathan D’Amour (headmaster’s list).

College Honors: Residents graduate from URI

At the University of Rhode Island’s commencement, Meghan Anderson received a B.A. in elementary education, Alyssa Carbone earned a B.A. in public relations, Emilie Carroll graduated cum laude with a doctor of pharmacy, and Charles Dumas graduated cum laude with a B.S. in mechanical engineering. …

Aine Ford was named to the dean’s honor list at Gettysburg College for the spring semester. …

Earning second honors at Clark University were Natalie Beck, John Rooney, Ruqayah Al-Ashabi, Sarah Gallagher and Samuel McAuliffe. …

Elizabeth Henneberry graduated from Hofstra University with a B.A. in art history. …

At Union College, senior Julianna Kramer and freshman Luke MacDonald, both economics majors, were named to the dean’s list.

Editor’s note: Information for college honors is provided by the schools. Those interested in being included in this section should forward the information or request for the school to email it to: editor@hopkintonindependent.com.


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