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10:56 am, Saturday, September 14, 2024
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Senior Snippets, July 22 edition

by | Jul 22, 2020 | Featured

The Hopkinton Senior Center remains closed to the public, but the staff remains available to assist residents. Call (508) 497-9730 if in need of assistance, with questions or just to say hi. For a more extensive listing of programs check Ourseniorcenter.com/find/Hopkinton-council-on-aging or hopkintonseniorcenter.com.

The Hopkinton Senior Center Outreach Department continues to be available to seniors and residents in town during the pandemic. The department is working with many organizations in town, including the Knights of Columbus, to facilitate food shopping and medical rides. Outreach can be reached by phoning the Senior Center at 508-497-9730 and leaving a message.

Durable medical equipment (walkers, bath seats, canes, crutches — but no longer commodes), for Hopkinton residents’ use only, is available to be loaned out free of charge. Wheelchairs, both standard and transport, require a $25 refundable deposit and are limited to two months.

Lunch Program
The Senior Center, partially funded by a grant from the MetroWest Health Foundation, has begun a limited takeout lunch program (Tuesday-Friday) for Hopkinton seniors, particularly those who are homebound and/or have relied on the center for their daily main meal in the past. While there are limited quantities, anyone who knows of a senior who might benefit from this program can call the Senior Center at 508-497-9730. Cost is $2 per meal.

Job Opening: Head Chef
The Town of Hopkinton is seeking a part-time (up to 19 hours) head chef for the Senior Center. The head chef will prepare and serve meals with exceptional customer service to seniors and others participating in the department’s meal program, monitor supplies, accept deliveries and ensure supplies are stored appropriately within required guidelines. This position also supervises kitchen operations and food service workers. For a complete job description and information on how to apply, visit the town’s website at hopkintonma.gov and navigate to the human resources page.

Caregiver Virtual Support Group
Friday, July 24, 10:30-11:30 a.m.
Are you caring for a parent, spouse or partner or a close friend? Are you overwhelmed and isolated? The Caregiver Support Group provides an opportunity for learning and a space for sharing your concerns with others who face similar challenges.

Our Time Memory Cafe (Virtual Offering)
Call for dates
Our Time Memory Cafe is a welcoming gathering for those experiencing forgetfulness, mild cognitive impairment or living with dementia, and their care partner, family and friends. The cafe is a place to socialize, share experiences with others going through similar changes, and form friendships. A care partner must accompany anyone who requires assistance. The program is a joint venture between the Hopkinton Senior Center and Hopkinton Public Library. For more information or to register, call (508) 497-0108 or email info@ourtimememorycafe.org.

Recipe Swap
Friday, July 24, 12:30 p.m.
Grab your favorite recipes to share with your friends. During quarantine we are all looking for recipes to spice up our daily meals. This program is facilitated by Marlene Troupes, outreach coordinator for the Senior Center. Pre-registration is required. This presentation will be offered live through Zoom.


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