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Senior Snippets, March 20 edition

by | Mar 19, 2024 | Featured

The Hopkinton Senior Center is open Mondays through Thursdays from 8:30 a.m.-4 p.m. and Fridays from 8:30 a.m.-2 p.m. For a more extensive listing of programs and services, including lunch program menus, as well as a newsletter, check hopkintonseniorcenter.com. Anyone with questions can call 508-497-9730. The Senior Center also has a Facebook page that provides updates on resources, programs and events.

TED Talks Discussion Group
Mondays, 12:30
In 1984, TED Talks were created to bring technology, entertainment and design information to the curious and open-minded public. These videos cover a wide array of subjects and always lead to lively discussion and conversation. Casual TED Talks group meetings are held every Monday for one hour. Attendees will view one of these videos and follow with a discussion.

Meditative Coloring Fridays
Fridays in March, 9-11 a.m.
Meditative Coloring returns every Friday during the month of March. The Senior Center will provide the pictures and coloring mediums, attendees provide their coloring expertise. (Professional coloring skills are not required.)

Garden Club: Ask the Plant Doctor
Thursday, March 21, 1 p.m.
The Garden Club is back and ready to talk plants. While it may be too soon to start planting outside gardens, it’s never too soon for indoor houseplants. A member of the Garden Club will share tips on being a new plant parent, including plant care, diseases and choosing the right plant(s).

Beyond Kilimanjaro: From Sunbirds to Elephants
Wednesday, March 27, at 1 p.m.
The Joys of Nature Travel Talk with Joy Marzolf will be held in person as well as virtually. While many visitors travel to Tanzania to climb Mount Kilimanjaro, nearby travelers can see Mount Meru within Arusha National Park. The elevation of the park creates a varied habitat and cooler climate, leading to a great diversity of wildlife. In the trees, one might find baboons, blue monkeys and the striking black and white colobus, while elephants and giraffes may be found grazing among the trees, shrubs and grasses below. Flowers on trees and shrubs bring spectacular butterflies and tiny nectar drinking sunbirds, while large hornbills perch themselves on branches overhead. Further west, Lake Manyara is an oasis for life, much of which is protected by a national park. Here, large herds of elephants can be found in and around the forest and lake, while hippos cool themselves in the water. There is so much to be seen beyond Kilimanjaro. Advance registration is not required but is strongly recommended. Those participating virtually should call for the Zoom link.

Senior Center Book Club
Wednesday, April 3, 10:30 a.m.
One of life’s pleasures is a good book. Another is the time to read it. At this meeting, attendees can relax and bring something to drink, all while enjoying book reviews and socializing. This month, the club will discuss “The Language of Flowers” by Vanessa Diffenbaugh.

Our Time Memory Cafe at the Senior Center
Thursday, April 4, 1 p.m.
This is a welcoming gathering for those experiencing forgetfulness or mild cognitive impairment, or living with dementia, and their care partner, family and friends. The cafe is a place to socialize, share experiences and form friendships. Live music and refreshments usually are offered. This is a joint venture between Senior Services and the Hopkinton Public Library. For more information, call the Senior Center.


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