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7:51 pm, Saturday, September 7, 2024
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Submissions sought for Art on the Trail

by | Jul 25, 2022 | Featured

The Hopkinton Cultural Council is inviting individuals to submit artwork for display during the 2022 Art on the Trail exhibition on the Center Trail. This year’s theme is land art — “Nature’s Gallery, Branching Out” — and artists are encouraged to focus on “utilizing elements in nature to be inspired and create pieces that celebrate the natural aesthetics around us.”

“We ask artists to consider the works of Andy Goldsworthy and Patrick Dougherty as inspiration for their artwork,” explained Christine Enos, one of the organizers. “Artists can use some of the materials from the trail with guidance from Hopkinton Area Land Trust and Hopkinton Trail Committee, as we do not want to negatively affect the ecosystem or viability of the trail.”

Materials that can be used from Center Trail include stones, fallen sticks and branches, water, gravel (without changing the trail), leaves, feathers, shells and soil.

Proposals — including a sketch of the idea, the space required and a list of possible natural materials — will be accepted through Sept. 5, and artists whose work is accepted will be notified by Sept. 15.

Art on the Trail is scheduled to run from Oct. 2-16.

For more information, visit artonthetrail2022.artcall.org.

1 Comment

  1. Kathy Padovano ( Respite Center Art Teacher)

    Where do we bring our completed art work?

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