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Town clerk announces election information

by | Jan 15, 2021 | News

There are 16 positions available in the 2021 Town Election. Nomination papers will be available at the town clerk’s office starting Jan. 19 by request.

Open positions include one seat on the Board of Assessors (3-year term), one seat on the Board of Health (3 years), one seat on the Board of Library Trustees (3 years), two seats on the Select Board (3 years), one seat on the Cemetery Commission (3 years), one seat on the Commissioners of Trust Fund (3 years), constable (3 years), one seat on the Housing Authority (3 years), two seats on the Parks & Recreation Commission (3 years), three seats on the Planning Board (two of 5 years and one unexpired term of 1 year), and two seats on the School Committee (3 years).

An application can be completed at the town website. Candidates are required to collect physical signatures of at least 50 registered voters in town and return them to the town clerk for certification by March 30.

Those enrolled in a political party with an active town committee can receive a party caucus nomination to the ballot.

Annual Town Meeting is May 3, and Annual Town Election is May 17. The voter registration deadline is April 13. Click here for voter registration information.

For more information, contact the town clerk’s office at townclerk@hopkintonma.gov or 508-497-9710.


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