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Town Meeting warrant open, articles can be submitted until Feb. 2

by | Dec 19, 2020 | News

Editor’s note: Following is a press release from the town.

The 2021 Annual Town Meeting will commence on Monday, May 3, 2021. Please be advised that articles may be submitted to the Select Board/Town Manager’s office at this time. In accordance with the Town Charter, ​the warrant will close on​ ​February 2, 2021​. Article language must be submitted to the Select Board/Town Manager’s office by Feb. 2, 2021, via email as a shared Google Doc or in Microsoft Word format, to Elaine Lazarus at elainel@hopkintomma.gov, or on paper by mailing to Town Manager’s Office, 18 Main St., Hopkinton MA 01748, or by using the drop box at the front door of Town Hall. Please see the Guide for Citizen Petitioners​ on the Town website for information about submitting articles by petition, at ​hopkintonma.gov/Petitioners%20Guide%20Feb.%202020.pdf.


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