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Town of Hopkinton COVID-19 update for March 27

by | Mar 27, 2020 | Featured Front Page, News

Editor’s note: The following is the daily COVID-19 update from the Town of Hopkinton.

COVID-19 Updates & Precautions
March 27, 2020 PM update

Previous updates and additional resources can be found here:

The Massachusetts Department of Public Health has confirmed that COVID-19 is spreading throughout the Commonwealth. ​All town buildings are closed to the public. Parks, Playgrounds and Playing Fields are closed.

Town Officials and Emergency Management personnel continue to monitor the rapidly evolving COVID-19 public health emergency. As of 12:00 p.m. on 3/27/20, Hopkinton’s Health Department has 7 total confirmed COVID-19 cases; 5 of those cases are active, and Hopkinton’s second recovered case was released from quarantine this morning. However, as testing increases, more cases may be identified in our Town.

Health Department officials are advising residents of community spread of COVID-19. Community spread means people have been infected with the virus in an area, including some who are not sure how or where they became infected.

Following Governor Baker’s previous ​emergency order​ from March 23, ONLY designated businesses and organizations providing “COVID-19 Essential Services,” such as grocery stores, pharmacies, and restaurants offering take-out or pick up only remain open. All non-essential businesses, retailers, and organizations are closed to workers, customers and the public until Noon on Tuesday, April 7, 2020. See the ​COVID-19 Essential Business FAQs​ from the State.

Non-essential businesses are encouraged to continue operations remotely. To that end, essential services provided by the Hopkinton Department of Public Works, Facilities, Health Services, Youth and Family Services, Hopkinton Police Department and Hopkinton Fire Department will continue. The rest of the Town Departments will continue to provide services as in prior weeks, albeit employees will be working remotely.

Library – ​NEW UPDATE

All​ events scheduled to be held in the library have been cancelled through at least April 7. A few of our programs have been moved online, and we are working on making more available.

●  We are livestreaming regular storytimes at https://www.facebook.com/groups/203516044264831/?source_id=120193835834​. You will need to request to join the Facebook group to be able to watch them.

●  The Girl Scouts have turned the Edible Book Festival into an online event! Details are here: ​https://www.facebook.com/events/199059778051198/

We continue to check phone messages (508-497-9777) and e-mail (hopkintonlibrary@hopkintonma.gov​). Please note that it may take slightly longer than usual for us to respond.

Extended School and childcare closings:

Governor Baker has announced that all schools and non-emergency childcare centers will remain closed until Monday, May 4. This expands on previous orders that suspended operations until April 6. You can read the full announcement ​here​.

Plastic and reusable Bags:

In accordance with the Governor’s order to keep grocery store and pharmacy workers safe, the Massachusetts Department of Public Health announced new ​grocery store and pharmacy procedures​. These will no longer allow shoppers to use reusable bags. Stores may offer paper or plastic bags to customers, without charging for them.

Construction Services:

Construction is considered essential work and will continue, but to do so with allowance for social distancing protocols consistent with guidance provided by the Department of Public Health. ​Read the full guidance document here

Hopkinton Senior Center/Senior Services:

The Senior Center staff continues to be available if you have questions, concerns, need assistance obtaining food or have any other need while we are closed. Please contact us at 508-497-9730. If you know of a senior in need please reach out to us and we will follow up with them.

For updated information regarding programs and services, please check out our website (https://www.hopkintonma.gov/departments/senior_center.php​) and Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/Hopkinton-Senior-Center-533752023452626​).

Youth and Family Services

Please call us if we can be of assistance at 508-497-9781 or email at ​dalcott@hopkintonma.gov and ​csouza@hopkintonma.gov.

Our facebook page is routinely updated with behavioral health and hopeful resources for coping with the crisis. Check us out at ​https://www.facebook.com/hopkintonyouthandfamilyservices/

Resource Page for COVID 19 to access immediate emotional support or resources:

Y&FS Basic Needs Resource Sheet for COVID19
Other ongoing resources: https://www.hopkintonma.gov/residents/resources/index.php

Where can I sign up to help?​ ​508-497-9781 or email at ​dalcott@hopkintonma.gov​ and csouza@hopkintonma.gov​. ​Email us your information (name, address, phone number, and assistance offered) your information will be added to the interdepartmental town database and you will be contacted if your offer to help can be matched to a need. Examples of help: (Delivering food or supplies to those who can’t get out, financial assistance for vulnerable residents both in the short and long term, gift card provision for residents who need to order in food or supplies, calling residents who could use a friendly call or connection.)


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