The town’s Information Technology Department on Tuesday introduced its design concept for the redesigned town website and is asking residents for their thoughts about it.
The town launched a survey in February to solicit feedback from residents, volunteers and employees. The survey asked about the current website, future design ideas, and areas of focused improvement, including examples of overall design style and asking residents to pick their favorite wireframe (layout) from five examples.

The town reported receiving more than 125 responses that included a number of common trends. This feedback was used to drive the design concept for the new site.
According to a town press release, “The refreshed design keeps a modern look, though has a revived bright and crisp tone that carries through to interior pages. It contains a more prominently displayed and expanded ‘quick links’ section, as well as a streamlined news section with more intuitive navigation between news stories. The main top-navigation menu will be simplified, and contact info will be more prominently displayed, including in the footer section of each page.”
The design concepts can be viewed via these links:
Homepage design concept
Department landing page design concept
Residents are encouraged to provide feedback on this design concept via the following form: