Hopkinton’s Women’s Club president Nancy Tarsi (left) and former president Barbara Buckner put the finishing touches on a time capsule that will be housed in the Hopkinton Public Library. PHOTO/HOPKINTON WOMEN’S CLUB
The Hopkinton’s Women’s Club completed its time capsule that will be saved in the Hopkinton Public Library, to be opened in 50 years. The box contains pictures of Hopkinton landmarks, social and cultural memorabilia such as concert tickets from the Greater Boston area and Hopkinton Arts Council programs, HWC members’ pictures and bios, information about the club’s pandemic response, which included donated masks and cans of food, and information about the club’s community outreach programs, of which scholarships to Hopkinton High School students make up a large portion. The time capsule marks the final event as part of the organization’s 100th anniversary celebration.