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Hopkinton musicians selected for CDMMEA Festival

by | Jan 16, 2024 | Education, Featured: Education

CDMMEA Music Festival students


A number of students from Hopkinton earned selection into the Central District Massachusetts Music Educators Association (CDMMEA) Senior High School Festival. The concert took place Jan. 13 at Mechanics Hall in Worcester.

Hopkinton musicians included Josh Kim (clarinet, band), Rathish Senthikumar (guitar, jazz band), Abigail Baskin (cello, orchestra), Aritro Chatterjee (viola, orchestra), Tarun Karthick Prasanna (clarinet, band), Aman Kumar (tuba, band), Aditya Machiraju (tuba, band), Jacob Wu (violin, orchestra), May Chen (oboe, band), Yulhee Kwon (violin, orchestra) and Alex Stephan (trumpet, band).

Hopkinton resident and Advanced Math & Science Academy student Peter Liang (flute, band) also earned selection into the Senior Concert Festival.


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