Hopkinton, MA
Hopkinton, US
12:03 pm, Sunday, September 8, 2024
temperature icon 63°F
Humidity 60 %
Wind Gust: 5 mph


Susan Gonsalves

Fifth grade flutist finds international success

Fifth grade flutist finds international success

In March, he was invited to perform at Carnegie Hall as the result of a near perfect score and first-place finish in the junior division of the Crescendo International Music Competition. The previous summer, he showcased his flute playing at Weill Recital Hall, also...

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McNeill’s Boston Marathon run to benefit SEPAC

McNeill’s Boston Marathon run to benefit SEPAC

Growing up with deaf parents and now a special education teacher, Megan McNeill is excited to be running the Boston Marathon on behalf of the Hopkinton Special Education Parent Advisory Council. McNeill is hoping to raise a minimum of $8,000 to help special education...

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Sakats set to run Boston for HPTO

Sakats set to run Boston for HPTO

Mallory Sakats is looking forward to running in the Boston Marathon on April 15 because she believes no other event “holds a candle to it.” “I think it is definitely the energy, the electricity that fills the whole route from Hopkinton to Boston that makes the...

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ESBC revisits Charleswood School wells, traffic plan

MEPA forum reviews new school project

On Wednesday, a public forum about the new elementary school was held to meet state requirements for the Massachusetts Environmental Protection Act office. The MEPA review is designed to allow residents in the environmental justice community portion of Hopkinton the...

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Stormwater management plan expanded for Charleswood School

New school name likely to be environment-related

The School Committee on Thursday reached a consensus to narrow down its name choices for the new elementary school to town- and site-related geographic/natural environment alternatives. A decision was postponed until member Adam Munroe could be present. Like other...

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Key Storage 4.14.22