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Candidate questionnaire: Lisa Whittemore

by | Jun 3, 2020 | Uncategorized

Lisa WhittemorePosition being sought: Board of Health (candidate for re-election)

Party affiliation: Democrat

Occupation: Health care consultant

Education: Master’s in social work from Smith School for Social Work, master’s in public health from Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health

Years lived in Hopkinton: 24

Governmental experience: Current chair of the Board of Health (2018-present), chair of Lynn-area Department of Mental Health board in 1980s

Additional volunteer/service experience: Chair of Charles River Community Health Center board of directors, treasurer for Hopkinton Democratic Town Committee

General statement: I have served on the Board of Health for the last three years and, for the last two, have chaired the board. I am committed to continuing the work we have accomplished over the last several years.

During my tenure on the Board of Health we have accomplished a lot, which has allowed Hopkinton to respond to the current COVID-19 crisis collaboratively and systematically. In the summer of 2017 we hired our current health director, and in the fall of 2019 we hired our current public health nurse. These individuals have brought new energy and expertise to the current team.

Over the last three years our accomplishments include:

— Reviewing and updating all of our regulations to make sure they support strong public health practices.

— Revising our town tobacco regulations to address vaping and to, over time, limit the number of tobacco licenses within town.

— Banning single-use plastic bags in an effort to support good environmental practice.

— Educating town residents on tick-borne diseases and on Eastern equine encephalitis.

— Organizing a health fair on the Town Common last fall.

— And most recently, leading the town’s effort to track any resident who has been exposed to COVID-19.

We continue to work collaboratively and build strong relationships with town leadership, including schools, police and fire departments. I am running for a second term as I very much want to continue this work.

I would appreciate your vote on June 29th. Thank you.


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