Owner Peter Carbone stands in front of the family’s namesake restaurant with his sister and business partner, Mary Ann Lorentzen. PHOTO/JERRY SPAR
Peter Carbone, owner of Carbone’s Italian American Restaurant, said Tuesday he has been “inundated” with calls from potential buyers since he announced that the iconic Hopkinton restaurant would be closing this fall after 87 years in business.
In a statement the Cedar Street restaurant has been handing out to customers, the family wrote:
“It is with very mixed emotion and great reluctance that the Carbone family announces the closing or hopefully the potential sale of our family-run restaurant after 87 years in business. This will occur sometime in the near future. The actual closing date will depend on several factors that are impossible to predict at this time. There were many business and personal reasons, too numerous to mention here, that went into this decision, a decision that we are not taking lightly, and we announce with a great deal of sadness.
“Over the years, there have been friendships developed with out customers and employees that we will cherish forever. We have thought of you as more than customers and employees, but as family to us. The restaurant has been our life and the lives of two generations of family that preceded us. It has been an incredible run that regretfully will end soon. Let’s just say it is a time for us to begin a new chapter in our lives. We can never thank everybody enough for your loyalty and support over the years, and for being a part of this journey with us. The time is fast approaching when we will say our last goodbyes here, but let’s never forget the good times we all shared together.”
Carbone said the property for sale includes the restaurant, parking lot and surrounding land — mostly forested, abutting Hopkinton State Park — and totals more than 12 acres, of which about 10 acres is in Hopkinton, with 2 in Ashland.
He said he hopes the new owner will continue to run the restaurant — he indicated the building structurally is in good shape, despite an accident last month when a man drove his car into a side wall. However, the decision on the restaurant’s future would be up to the buyer, he added.
Carbone, who owns a home across the street, set a timetable of 4-6 weeks for the restaurant’s closing, but he said it could be shorter or longer than that depending on a number of factors.
Very sad to see you go. Always a good meal and a good dining experience. Sure hope the new owners feel the same way you do♥️
Wow. I’m 55 and have literally eaten there all my life. My parents did as did my grandparents as wrll. As a kid growing up we often ate there on a Saturday night just before heading to Spag’s
So sorry to see you go. I know the recent challenges have been tough. You will be missed. Wish you all the best.
Understand…but heartbroken…many, many fond memories. Best of luck in your next chapter.
I heard about this from my family that still lives in NE. I’m so heartbroken to hear of your closing. I remember going to your restaurant with my parents when I was a little girl. I always looked forward to our meals there.
Carbone’s is iconic and will be missed by many. Much luck and happiness in your next adventure.
Oh no we live in Ct but grew up in Milford my parents went there, myself and my boyfriend , ( now husband) went on many dates there, we even had our rehearsal dinner there the night before our wedding, and every restaurant I ever went to and ordered chicken parm had a high standard to live up to only one in all these years came close. Stay well and thank you for all those years
I am so devastated to hear this news! I have been going here since I was a young child with my parents! My husband and I go every Wednesday night and sometimes again on Friday or Saturday too! We have held so many family parties there and now even my grandchildren look forward to going! I too had my rehearsal dinner ther and last year my kids had our 50 th anniversary there! I will miss Marianne and many of our favorite staff! They have become friends that felt like extended family! I wish you both nothing but good things in the future but I will be sad for this great welcoming place to be gone! Even if it stays a restaurant it won’t be the same without you there! Good luck and God bless! ??
I am deeply saddened by the closing of Carbone’s. As a former dishwasher-bus boy-salad man-middle man, and cook at Carbone’s from 1963-1969, I learned a lot about life from this experience and met a lot of people, co-workers, customers, and girlfriends, some of whom were my neighbors in Southboro. The nearly 8 years that I worked at Carbone’s were 8 of the best years of my life that I have treasured my entire life and with fond memories of my boss, Peter Carbone Sr, Mary Carbone, Nick, Eddie, all the waitresses, and kitchen staff co-workers. I will miss my annual visit to Carbone’s and the opportunity to visit the kitchen and chat with Maryanne and Peter. I wish Peter and Maryann all the best in retirement and to Peter Sr, Mary, Peter Jr, Maryanne, and to all of these individuals I had the pleasure of working with, I say, “Thanks for the Memories,” I will never forget Carbone’s Restaurant. Dr. Frank H. Wians, Jr., Professor of Pathology (retired) and Lt Col, USAF, retired.
Very sad news my parents loved to go to carbines, it was in their weekly rotation. My mom and i loved the GarlicyvTuscan mussels. The best I ever had! The steak rips; shrimp acsmpi…pizzas…were all wonderful you, you had it all. Thank you for all the great times we had because of Carbones. I wish you well , Godspeed.
So sorry to hear of your closing. I remember going to your restaurant for my grandparents 50th wedding anniversary. The food was always delicious and fantastic service. Good luck to you both.
Our family is deeply saddened with the upcoming closing of Carbones which has been part of our family for my entire life 47 years now. we have had our weekly dinners there, our birthday dinners there and my mom’s 80th birthday there as it has always felt like home to us. There food is magnificent and there was always something for everyone. We will miss all the staff who have always been so friendly and personable. We have shared our lives together and we will always our extended family. We will miss you all and wish you all the best and a continued life of happiness.
So sad to see it go. I had many wonderful times at Carbone’s from lunches to dinners. Our first choice to celebrate family parties was always Carbones. Good luck Peter and Mary Ann. Thank you years of happy memories.
So sad to hear the news I grew in Hopkinton and spent 25 years of my life working at the restaurant building friendships with custumers and employees it will be dearly miss by all.
So sad to hear. Family spent many a night there over the years. Moved to NJ 20 years ago and I visit when I get home . Best Veal Parm by far.
Best wishes for a well deserved retirement.
This is so sad! But I understand. My family has been coming here for over 50 years! I will miss it so much! I have so many memories of Saturday nights waiting at the end of the bar for our take out square cut pizza!! I grew up down the street in Southboro and this was our go-to- place!!!! Miss You Patty! Best Waitress! laura Burkis Mayo
P.S> My In-Laws drew their dream home on a napkin from carbone’s while having dinner!! Laura Burkis Mayo
So SAD!!! A family favorite of ours for almost 60 years!! First went there before they even thought of putting in 495!! Good thing my Dad has passed….this would break his heart!!! Thanks for the memories!!! So many great times and delicious meals…and Pizza!!!
My Grandfather would take us there. Ralph Gogliomella. Jr.