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College Honors: Clark, Bryant recognize local students

by | Mar 20, 2023 | Education

Hopkinton residents named to the dean’s list for the fall semester at Clark University included Natalie Beck, Sean Cahill, Callie-Rose Ronan and Afnaan Syed. All received first honors. …

At Bryant University, Dennis Field was named to the president’s list, while Michael Ambrosone, Sean McGrail and Jacqueline Zeigler were named to the dean’s list. …

Marylauren Burke, a junior computer science major, was named to the Le Moyne College dean’s list. …

At Tufts University, junior Grace Ye, sophomore Sasha Fomin and freshman Matt Burdulis were named to the dean’s list. …

Kamala Chuss was named to the dean’s list at the University of Connecticut.

Editor’s note: Information for college honors is provided by the schools. Those interested in being included in this section should forward the official notification or request for the school to email it to editor@hopkintonindependent.com.


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