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Letter to the Editor: Ritterbusch a fresh voice

by | Jun 13, 2020 | Letter to Editor

Making an endorsement for Select Board is difficult for me in that I know both candidates well. Both have been of service to the town for many years and have contributed to our community in significant ways.

I have worked with Amy Ritterbusch in a few capacities, but my endorsement is based on working with her on the Planning Board. When we were co-members Amy was always prepared, thoughtful and deliberate in her approach. She never struck me as coming into a meeting with preconceived preferences. She read everything, took copious notes, and asked pointed, deliberate questions. It is all that one could ask for in a representative on the Planning Board.

During my last year on the board I was chair and felt privileged to have Amy on the board with me. I could always depend on her professionalism and dedication. I can not think of one meeting where she was not fully prepared or on top of her game. Combined with common sense, she was and remains a key member of the Planning Board.

I almost hate to see the Planning Board lose her, but I believe Amy will be a fresh voice and dedicated member of the Select Board. Personally, I have no doubts as to whether she will act in manner that is in the best interest of Hopkinton. Amy is not afraid to voice ideas that some may not agree with. It is reflective of her advocacy for the town and the interests of some who may not be fully heard. In the few times when we were not on the same page, her points were always clear, and I respected her position as based on reflection and deliberation. I never had the impression that Amy “flew by the seat of her pants.” I always learned something from Amy.

My endorsement has little meaning except to be able to highlight Amy’s ethics and hard work and how she would be a benefit for the community by serving on the Select Board.

I do want to close by saying I have deep admiration and appreciation for John Coutinho for all his work for the town over the years. To be honest, if Amy were not running I would be endorsing John versus someone else. It is just that I think Amy is that good and her voice on the Select Board will be a positive for Hopkinton that we can not lose.

Please join me in supporting Amy in the election.

— John Ferrari, Hopkinton

Editor’s note: Letters to the editor should be no more than 400 words. Letters should be relevant and not primarily for the purpose of promoting an organization or event. For a schedule of deadlines for letters and other submissions for the print edition, check the Hopkinton Independent website’s Contact tab and click on Editorial Deadlines. To see more letters to the editor, click here.


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