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Hopkinton COVID-19 update for Aug. 5

by | Aug 5, 2020 | News

Editor’s note: This is the town of Hopkinton’s COVID-19 update for Aug. 5.

COVID-19 Updates and Precautions
August 5 update

Previous updates and additional information and resources can be found here:

While Town Hall and municipal buildings are physically closed to the public, ​we are open for business​. Many transactions can be completed online, and we are available via phone and email to assist during regular business hours. A full town directory can be ​found here​. A box at the front door of Town Hall may be used to drop off correspondence, applications, etc., and they may also be mailed or emailed. As we work on plans to reopen Town Hall and other municipal buildings, we are prioritizing efforts to keep the community safe and help our local businesses reopen.

As of Aug. 5, Hopkinton’s Health Department is reporting 135 total ​confirmed COVID-19 cases; three of those cases are active, with 120 recoveries and 12 deaths. You can see historical tracking and updates on ​Hopkinton’s Community Impact Dashboard.

Massachusetts Department of Public Health COVID-19 Weekly Public Health Report — ​NEW UPDATE
The Weekly COVID-19 Public Health Report includes enhanced, more granular information to be updated on a weekly or biweekly basis, including town-by-town case and testing information, cases and deaths in long-term care facilities, updates on nursing facility audit results and more. https://www.mass.gov/doc/weekly-covid-19-public-health-report-august-5-2020/download

COVID Safe Practices Concern Form — ​NEW UPDATE
If you have a concern about a workplace’s compliance with the commonwealth’s workplace safety standards and protocols, you may report it to the Department of Labor Standards. ​Click here for more info​. The Department of Public Health or the Hopkinton Board of Health may follow up with you if you include your contact information.

Hopkinton Public Schools​ — N​EW UPDATE
On Thursday, Aug. 6, the School Committee will review the proposed Hopkinton Public Schools Reentry Plan. If the School Committee votes to approve, this plan will be formally submitted to the Massachusetts Commissioner of Education, Jeffrey Riley.

Guidance for Travelers arriving in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts — ​NEW UPDATE
On July 24, the governor issued ​COVID-19 Order No. 45​ adopting a mandatory 14-day quarantine for travelers arriving in Massachusetts. The effective date of the Order is Aug. 1. This binding guidance must be followed by all travelers entering Massachusetts, except those covered by limited exemptions. More info can be found here: https://www.mass.gov/guidance/guidance-for-travelers-arriving-in-the-commonwealth-of-massachusetts

Travelers from COVID-19 lower-risk states are not required to fill out the ​Massachusetts Travel Form​ and do not need to quarantine. States are included on the list based on meeting two criteria: average daily cases per 100,000 below 6 AND positive test rate below 5%, both measured as a 7-day rolling average. Data is from ​covidexitstrategy.org​ as of July 21. The current list of COVID-19 lower-risk states includes: Connecticut, New Hampshire, Vermont, Hawaii, New Jersey, Maine, New York. ​(Note: Effective Friday, Aug. 7, Rhode Island is no longer listed as a lower-risk state.)

Hopkinton Public Library — ​NEW UPDATE​
The library has expanded the hours during which we can accept returns! ​The book drop is now open from 9:30 a.m. on Mondays through 4:30 p.m. on Fridays.​ The book drop will remain closed on weekends and Monday holidays. Please do not leave items outside while the book drop is closed, as they may be lost or damaged. Returned items are placed in quarantine, so you may continue to see them on your account or receive automatic notifications for a few days. Any late fines are being forgiven when items are checked in.

We have also expanded our new “quick picks” service to include picture books and easy readers alongside board books. You can request “quick picks” via the form at ​https://forms.gle/gyMi2JDCBx5wgXBPA​. This service is for patrons who do not have specific titles in mind; if you are looking for something specific, please place a hold through the library’s online catalog at ​https://bark.cwmars.org/eg/opac/home?loc=55​.

The Baker-Polito Administration launched #MaskUpMA, an effort to continue to remind residents to wear masks and face-coverings in public to stop the spread of COVID-19. The effort will underscore the importance of wearing masks across multiple channels including video testimonials on social media, a new PSA, and a website: ​Mass.Gov/MaskUp​.

‘Stop the Spread’ Free Covid-19 Testing Sites
The commonwealth is launching a strategic testing program in communities across Massachusetts that have continued to see a higher number of residents testing positive for COVID-19. The program runs through Aug. 14. While Hopkinton is not one of these communities that is seeing a higher number of residents testing positive, the testing is free and is available to anybody. Testing is open to everyone. You don’t need to have symptom(s). There is no cost, and testing at these sites is not restricted to residents of the city or town where the testing is taking place. The closest testing sites to Hopkinton are in Marlborough, and drive-through testing is available. More info can be found here: ​https://www.mass.gov/stopthespread

Mass Support
https://masssupport.org/​ ​helps Massachusetts residents find support for the impact of COVID-19 on behavioral health, finances and safety. Resources, screening tools and services are all found through this website or by calling 1-888-215-4920.

Hopkinton Senior Center
The Senior Center, with a grant from the MetroWest Health Foundation, has begun a limited take-out lunch program (Tuesday-Friday) for Hopkinton seniors, particularly those who are homebound and/or have relied on the center for their daily main meal in the past. While we have limited quantities, if you know of a senior who might benefit from this program please call the Senior Center at 508-497-9730. Cost is $2 per meal.


Hopkinton also posts frequently on social media. Our Twitter is the best place to keep up with all happenings Hopkinton. You don’t need an account to see our twitter feed: https://twitter.com/HopkintonMA

Complete list of Emergency Orders and Guidance from Mass.gov


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