Good morning, Hopkinton! Welcome to the daily update we call Hopkinton Today — a quick recap of yesterday’s news, highlights of what’s on tap, and a photo and video of the day.
Town Manager Norman Khumalo was to present the consolidated fiscal year 2023 budget to the Select Board for discussion at the board’s Tuesday night meeting, but Eversource’s decision to appeal tax assessments forced a change in plans. “The finance team will revisit the overall budget picture in light of this latest unwelcome action by our largest taxpayer,” Khumalo said. “While this is an adverse development, it is not a disaster.”
At its meeting on Tuesday, the Parks & Recreation Commission discussed developments regarding the Fruit Street fields turf replacement project. An engineering firm hired by the town concluded that “there really wasn’t a high risk of exposure for PFAS from the remnants [of the existing field] and the future materials,” Parks & Rec Director Jay Guelfi reported.
The Hopkinton Police Department announced that it is investigating an incident from Jan. 22 in which a man was found in the road bleeding from the head, and it is seeking help from the public.
This week’s edition of the Police Log includes one arrest along with reports of K9 Titan locating a man passed out in the snow in the woods after a motor vehicle accident, a youth building a snow fort in an area that needed to be plowed, and a broken-down school bus.
Town meetings tonight include the Cemetery Commission (6:30), School Committee (7), Open Space Preservation Commission (7) and Cultural Council (7).
Photo of the Day: Leaves are encased in ice near Hopkinton State Park.

Video of the Day: