Good morning, Hopkinton! Welcome to the daily update we call Hopkinton Today — a quick recap of yesterday’s news, highlights of what’s on tap, and a photo and video of the day.
Speaking at the Board of Health’s meeting on Monday, Health Director Shaun McAuliffe said Hopkinton’s COVID numbers continue to climb as the omicron surge rages on, but he expects the number to start dropping by the end of the week. “Our percent positivity has skyrocketed over the month of January, but I expect to see a significant decrease in the percent positivity this week,” he said.
The Hopkinton High School boys swimming and diving team has a small roster relative to some of its opponents and also has been hurt by COVID absences. “We have been hit hard with a lot of our key people out for periods of time,” coach Kristen Wells said. “It’s been hard to fill the gaps.” The key to overcoming the lack of numbers has been versatility.
This week’s Senior Snippets includes information on programs including art appreciation, a soap craft class and a presentation about Easter Island.
The next monthly Veterans Breakfast is Friday, Feb. 4, at the Senior Center. Organizers will recall several past military events that happened on this date, with special attention given to the events of February 1968 in South Vietnam, and entertain sports fans with baseball events from Feb. 4.
Town meetings tonight include the Select Board (6), Conservation Commission (7) and Design Review Board (7).
Photo of the Day: Cooper, a cocker spaniel, poses for a photo on a frozen Lake Whitehall as the sun sets Monday.

Video of the Day: