Good morning, Hopkinton! Welcome to the daily update we call Hopkinton Today — a quick recap of yesterday’s news, highlights of what’s on tap, and a photo and video of the day.
In this week’s Independent Thoughts, learn more about the Fire Department/Health Department’s Falls Prevention Clinic on Sept. 22, and the Sustainable Green Committee’s Community Cleanup Day on Sept. 25.
The latest edition of Library Corner includes information about morning meditation, yoga and fall cleaning programs.
Among the programs highlights in this week’s Senior Snippets is a seminar on planning for Medicare. There also are numerous exercise classes, all being held in person.
Town meetings tonight include the Commissioners of Trust Funds (5:30), Conservation Commission (7) and Historical Commission (7).
Welcome to the Marathon Countdown Quiz. Each weekday through Oct. 11 we will have a trivia question about the historic race. Submit the correct answer for a chance to win prizes. See contest rules for details.
TODAY’S QUESTION: Hopkinton has three statues honoring Boston Marathon legends (with a fourth on the way). The first such statue, erected at the Town Common in 2008, recognizes which longtime race starter? To submit your answer, click here.
YESTERDAY’S WINNER: Congratulations to Barbara Buchner, who correctly answered that from 1965 to 1985 the Boston Marathon started on Hayden Rowe Street before moving to its current location on East Main Street.
Photo of the Day: Quilts hang from the ceiling at the Hopkinton Center for the Arts during this past weekend’s Marathon Quilters show.

Video of the Day: