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Hopkinton Today: Wednesday, April 19

by | Apr 19, 2023 | Featured: Features, Hopkinton Today

Good morning, Hopkinton! Welcome to the daily update we call Hopkinton Today — a quick recap of yesterday’s news, highlights of what’s on tap, and a photo of the day.

Local runners participating in Monday’s 127th Boston Marathon had an extra boost at the start, with lots of support from their family, friends and neighbors, and the good feelings continued after they left town.

A new HCAM-TV series called “Sew Many Possibilities” is showing viewers how fun and creative quilting can be.

The Hopkinton High School girls track and field team has 94 athletes this spring and a few goals in mind, including capturing another Tri-Valley League title.

The town’s Water Department announced that there will be a required fire flow test today at approximately 9:30 a.m., and it might lead to discolored water in residents’ homes.

This week’s Senior Snippets includes information on programs including Our Time Memory Cafe, a Health and Wellness fair for Seniors, and the annual Friends of the Seniors Plant and Book Sale.

This week’s Real Estate Transactions includes three homes selling for more than $1 million, including a house in the newly developed portion of Chamberlain Street for almost $1.9 million.

Town meetings tonight include the Youth Commission (7).

Photo of the Day: Community members help Cherylann Lambert Walsh (in blue dress) celebrate the new location for Project Just Because at 77 South Street during a ceremony this past Friday.

Project Just Because



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