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Hopkinton Today: Wednesday, Dec. 15

by | Dec 15, 2021 | Hopkinton Today

Good morning, Hopkinton! Welcome to the daily update we call Hopkinton Today — a quick recap of yesterday’s news, highlights of what’s on tap, and a photo and video of the day.

Health Director Shaun McAuliffe said that while the town continues to be one of top vaccinated communities in the commonwealth, there has been an ongoing surge in cases this month. McAuliffe said there have been 99 cases since Dec. 1, and he expects it to be closer to 110 following more reports of cases Tuesday.

Leading off the Select Board roundup, the board approved awarding a common victualer license to Cheryl Kiefer for Lone Wolf BBQ, a new restaurant that will take the spot at 24 Main Street previously occupied by Bittersweet. Kiefer said the restaurant could open as early as this weekend.

As he closes in on his 100th birthday, Russ Phipps says there are no secrets to his longevity. “I just take whatever comes,” he says. “You have to roll with the punches. That’s the way it goes.”

This fall, Legacy Farms residents collected 1,300 pounds of food during a Diwali food drive. The food was donated to Hopkinton’s Project Just Because and Framingham’s Turning Point Shelter.

Town meetings tonight include the Capital Improvement Committee (6), Sustainable Green Committee (6:30) and Trails Coordination and Management Committee (7:30).

Photo of the Day: Lake water is reflected onto water on the roadway at Hopkinton State Park.

State Park


Video of the Day:



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