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Joan Bauer, 80

by | Aug 27, 2022 | Obituaries

Joan Bauer

Joan Bauer

Joan Bauer, 80, of Acton passed away surrounded by loved ones on Aug. 3 from the cruel effects of primary progressive aphasia (PPA).

Joan was born May 7, 1942, to Julien and Cecile Parenteau in Waterbury, Connecticut. She graduated from Waterbury Catholic High in 1960 and attended Central Connecticut State College.

She is survived by her husband of 57 years, Ronald Bauer; her five children and their spouses, Mark Bauer (Jennifer) of Sacramento, California, Liane Belisle (Gregory Kirshe) of Hopkinton, Elizabeth Carson (Rod) of West Chester, Pennsylvania, Kevin Bauer (Heather) of Seattle, and Ronald J. Bauer (Melissa Ballard) of Montclair, New Jersey; as well as her 12 grandchildren.

Joan was a fiercely dedicated wife, mom and grandmother (Memere). Family came first, and she showed her love every day by managing a full schedule overseeing the household and budget and providing a delicious family meal at the end of each day. She planned yearly fun-filled family vacations that resulted in cherished memories, and as the family grew, she made periodic visits to lend a helping hand and to spoil her grandchildren.

Joan lived in Acton for 50 years and was involved in many organizations and activities and held various jobs. She had a passion for talking, people, musicals, food, walking and giving to those in need. Her enthusiasm and laughter filled the room. She was adventurous, funny, friendly and supportive and brought her beautiful smile, joy and kindness to everyone she encountered.

Joan was predeceased by her parents and brother Bob and will be missed by her siblings, Jeanne Pettine (Ron), Roger Parenteau (Hanna), Paul Parenteau (Natalie), Nancy St. Jean (Peter) and Linda Parenteau.

In lieu of flowers, please consider a donation to Massachusetts General Hospital Frontotemporal Disorders Unit (giving.massgeneral.org) and participating in the Walk for Hunger in May, as this was Joan’s tradition.

Obituaries are submissions, typically from funeral homes, that are not subject to the same level of editorial oversight as the rest of the Hopkinton Independent. Obituaries may be edited for grammatical and factual mistakes and clarifications and shortened for space considerations.


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