Ryan Fowler
On May 1, we rededicated the renovated Lauren Anderson Softball Field at Hopkinton High School in Lauren’s memory. What began as a community project in August 2019 is now a reality thanks to the dedication and generosity of many individuals, organizations and businesses.
Among these supporters, Ryan Fowler stands out. When he learned about the field restoration project, Ryan, an HHS grad himself, volunteered to be the project construction manager. He negotiated each purchase, managed the construction schedule and worked tirelessly with the HHS facilities team to install all the upgrades. It would be difficult to tally the hours and hands-on labor that Ryan dedicated to this project. And he did all of it without fanfare.
Ryan is a true example of the spirit of volunteerism that continues to be part of the fabric of Hopkinton. There are not enough words to express how grateful we are to him for the major role he played in restoring the Lauren Anderson Softball Field.
Thank you, Ryan.
— The Lauren Anderson Field Restoration Team
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