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Letter to the Editor: Veteran thankful for Scouts’ gesture

by | Nov 25, 2022 | Letter to Editor

My unexpected and greatly appreciated act of kindness this Thanksgiving was the gift of an Out Post Farm apple pie from the Troop 11 Scouts. The woman who delivered the pie stated that the Scouts raised money  and wanted to share a pie with veterans and seniors. The Scouts in Hopkinton do a wonderful service in supporting veterans’ activities each Memorial Day and Veterans Day. I know that Scouting was an important part of the raising of my daughters in Hopkinton. I am thankful that the current generation is having this Scouting experience and for all the Scout leaders who give of their time to instill good values in our youth.

— Ken Weismantel, Hopkinton

Editor’s note: The opinions and comments expressed in letters to the editor are those of the writers and not necessarily those of the Independent. Submissions should be no more than 400 words and must include the writer’s name and contact information for verification. Letters should be relevant and not primarily for the purpose of promoting an organization or event or thanking sponsors or volunteers. Letters may be edited by the Independent staff for space, errors or clarification, and the Independent offers no guarantee that every letter will be published. For a schedule of deadlines for letters and other submissions for the print edition, click here.


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