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Main Street Corridor Project update: Detour on Main Street this week

by | May 22, 2022 | News

In its latest Main Street Corridor Project update, the town announced that the road in the area of 52 Main Street (Hopkinton Drug) will be closed to through traffic starting Monday (May 23) and continuing for 3-5 days. Eastbound traffic will be detoured up Grove Street, across Maple Street and back to Main Street via Hayden Rowe. Westbound through traffic will be detoured up Hayden Rowe, across Maple Street and back to Main Street via Grove Street.

Businesses will remain open during the construction. Local traffic will be allowed through the east side of the detour at the intersection of Main Street and Hayden Rowe. Since there will be no through traffic, all traffic will need to exit at this location as well. Detail officers will be on-site to assist with traffic flow.

The detour will remain in place during daytime working hours only. Main Street will be reopened at the end of each workday to at least one lane with alternating traffic.

Work scheduled for this week includes saw cuts for duct banks mostly between Grove Street and Ash Street, the installation of electric and telephone manholes at the intersection of Route 135 and Route 85, initial work on electric duct banks at 5 East Main Street, initial work on service connections from the Fire Station toward CVS, and the installation of conduits for a traffic signal at the Fire Station.

For more updates, visit the town’s project website at hopkintonmainstreet.com.

On a related note, as part of the work on the new Alltown service station and convenience store on West Main Street, the contractor and DPW will be working on the water connection Wednesday night, starting at 7 p.m. (weather permitting). The road will be narrowed to accommodate the work. Detail officers will be on site to facilitate traffic flow. The work will be performed overnight to minimize traffic and public safety emergency response impacts.


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