Following Monday’s day off, work will continue on the Main Street Corridor Project starting Tuesday. As workers excavate the existing roadway gravel and install, grade and compact new gravel between the Fire Station and the Wood Street intersection, a single lane of alternating traffic will be used as needed, and eastbound traffic will be detoured from Main Street to Pleasant Street to Grove Street and back to Main Street.
Additional work scheduled for this week includes installing a Verizon conduit between Ash Street and Church Street, finishing work on the historic wall in front of 25 Main Street, beginning work on a wall at 15-17 Main Street, and working on a concrete retaining wall in the CVS parking lot area.

Next week’s work includes the installation of dense graded crushed stone between the Fire Station and the Wood Street intersection. Detours and one-way alternating traffic might be required.
This schedule may change due to weather and existing conditions found while performing the planned tasks. For the most up-to-date information, visit the town’s project website at